Reading: McAllister paper on "Consipracy Theory"? What are the big points in this paper? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Big Idea: -look at the set of nodes "conspirators" that make the value of a node change -allow incomplete trees -How many conspirators? root (max) /\ / \ suppose x's value = 0 min / \ Then, root value = 0. /\ /\ / \ / \ / \ X 1 -1 0 Now, Change a leaf value of X Q. What's the best/worst change? A. +infinity, -infinity Q. What effect does this have on the root? Change x's value to -infinity --> change root to -1 Change x's value to +infinity --> change root to +1 * If it is likely that one leaf can change but unlikely that two leaves can change, tehn the value of the root in this tree is in [-1, +1] * In a large, incomplete tree, might have to change a large number of different leaves before the root value would change. (i.e. the SBE would have to be wrong many times. probability?) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Definition: -If C is a set of leaves, s.t. by changing the values of the nodes in C, one can change the value of a node "n" to the value v , we call C, the set of conspirators for assigning v to "n". (conspirators n v) ==> C NB: the more conspirators (higher conspiracy numbers), are needed to achieve a value, the less likelh that value will be achieved. Questions: * How do we find critical leaf nodes? * How do we compute bounds on the root value range? * Use conspiracy numbers (|C|) to control search depth Meaning of Conspiracy Theory 1. the goal of alpha-beta search is to construct strategies for each player that together establish a value for the root. -Maximum strategy establishes a lower bound -Minimum strategy establishes an upper bound 2. Conspiracy numbers can be used to measure the "safety" of these two strategies. -Maximum strategy is safe to the extent that there exist " options (alternative moves) to the max moves selected in the strategy. -if one of the lines of play turns out not to work (i.e., not to achieve the desired root value then a different live of play can be chosen, provided that options exist to the selected moves in the strategy. -so...conspiracy numbers measure the "density" of the solution space... The number of paths to winning. 3. A strategy is usafe if there are options to the selected moves, i.e. the selected moves are forced. -Forced lines of play should be explored more deeply, beyond search horizon. (Shanonn and Turing, 1950, 1953) This leads to the implementation of "Quiescence Search" Definition: The quiescense value of a position is the value computed form searching the stand-put or capture tree, SPOC, from that position. -(at each postition, the player to move can either elect not to move "stand pat" or can elect a capture move) Fact: The SPOC tree can be seear ched quickly in practice, especeially when the static values fall outside the alpha-beta window. Fact: Almost all competitive programs use some form of quiescence values at the search leaves. Can interpret this using conspiracy theory! Definition: The conspiracy depth of a strategy is the least number of leaf nodes where value must be changed in order to defeat the strategy. -"depth" in a maximum strategy is called maximum depth. 1) The maximum depth (in a max strategy) only increases at max moves---This is where the maximum player has options supporting the safety of the strategy. 2) If a maximum move in a max strategy is forced (i.e. there are options to that move), then max depth does not increase across that move and the search must be carried further to achieve a desired safety (depth measurement). 3) If a min move happens to be forced in a max strategy, this fact does not influence max depth. Max depth only measures the options of the max player! 1), 2) and 3): intution hairy Observation: Capture moves not to increase conspiracy depth! -this observation underlies both quiescence search and capture extensions--extensions granted at capture moves. Fact: Generating an extension at each capture generates too large a tree! eg: Capture exchanges! P/P; R/R; Q/Q; R/R. Question: How can we use conspiracy theory to auromatically search deeper under a restricated class of capture moves? (research) Summary: * Conspiracy numbers provide a game--independent theoretical framework for guiding non-uniform growth in min-max game trees * an extension of alpha-beta * Idea: grow search trees for which one has confidence in the root min-max value. * Conspiracty theory measures confidence by measuring the number of leaf values that would have to be changed to bring about a given change in the root value. * Crisp, clean theorems.