Compsci 100, Fall 2009, Dec 4 Recitation

In this recitation you'll do one new APT GalaxyTrip to review the graph concepts of DFS/BFS and connected components.

The steps below are suggested in solving the problem, you'll go over each one in order.

  1. Create a representation of the graph represented by the dependencies data, e.g., either an adjacency list or an adjacency matrix. Is this graph directed or undirected? Why is it easier to iterative over a given vertex's adjacent vertices using an adjaceny list rather than a matrix?
  2. If you use a map of vertices to a list of adjacent vertices to represent the graph, complete the code below and answer questions about it.

    Map<String, List<String>> myGraph = new TreeMap<String, List<String>>(); int vertex = 0; for(String s : dependencies){ String sv = ""+vertex; vertex++; myGraph.put(sv,new ArrayList<String>()); List<String> list = myGraph.get(sv); if (s.equals("")) continue; // no vertices, don't parse String[] a = s.split(" "); // add code here }
    1. Why is a map of strings to list of strings used instead of integers to list of integers to represent the graph?
    2. Complete the add code here section to add adjacent vertices to sv which is the current vertex whose adjacent verticies are being processed. Why is ""+vertex used?
    3. If LinkedList was used in place of ArrayList in the code above, would the code still compile and run? Why?
  3. To find the size of a connected component which in this problem is the number of machines that depend on each other starting from a specific machine, you can do a depth-first search (or a breadth first) and count the number of nodes visited. Set<String> myVisited = new TreeSet<String>(); private int dfs(String vertex){ if (myVisited.contains(vertex)) return 0; myVisited.add(vertex); int total = 1; // count myself for(String adj : myGraph.get(vertex)){ total += dfs(adj); } return total; }
    1. Would it be possible to move the myVisited.add statement to just before the return statement? Why?
    2. How could you write this using a Stack instead of recursion?
    3. In a few words, why does this version of DFS return the size of a connected component starting with vertex?
  4. Write code to call the version of dfs above for every vertex represented in dependencies, i.e., from 0 to the number of entries and to add the values returned to a list of integers representing the sizes of all connected components (don't store zero sizes). List<Integer> sizes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(int k=0; k < dependencies.length; k++){ }
  5. The code below uses the list sizes from above and finds all possible values that can be created by adding together elements of sizes. You should try to understand how this code sets possible[v] to true if and only if the value of v can be created by summing elements of sizes together. Why does the inner-loop start at the end of possible?

    boolean[] possible = new boolean[1000]; Arrays.fill(possible,false); possible[0] = true; for(int value : sizes){ for(int k=possible.length-1; k >= 0; k--){ if (possible[k]){ possible[k+value] = true; } } }
  6. Now that possible[v] is true iff v is a valid value for the galactic trip, complete the APT. What code must be added?