CompSci 101, Fall 2014
Python Summary

Python Help for Compsci 101 - Exam 1

On this page we'll keep track of the Python types, functions, and operators that we've covered in class. You should also review the online Python References for more complete coverage.

Mathematical Operators
Symbol Meaning Example
+ addition 4 + 5 = 9
- subtraction 9 - 5 = 4
* multiplication 3*5 = 15
/ division 6/3 = 2
6/4 = 1
6.0/4 = 1.5
% mod/remainder 5 % 3 = 2
** exponentiation 3**2 = 9, 2**3 = 8
String Operators
+ concatenation "ab"+"cd"="abcd"
* repeat "xo"*3 = "xoxoxo"
Comparison Operators
== is equal to 3 == 3 is True
!= is not equal to 3 != 3 is False
>= is greater than or equal to 4 >= 3 is True
<= is less than or equal to 4 <= 3 is False
> is strictly greater than 4 > 3 is True
< is strictly less than 3 < 3 is False
Boolean Operators
not flips the value of a bool (not x == 5) is False
and returns True only if both parts of it are True (x > 3 and x < 7) is True
(x > 3 and x > 7) is False
or returns True if at least one part of it is True (x < 3 or x > 7) is False
(x < 3 or x < 7) is True
Type Conversion Functions
int(x) turn x into an integer value int("123") == 123
  int can fail, e.g., int("abc") raises an error
float(x) turn x into an float value float("2.46") == 2.46
  float can fail, e.g., float("abc") raises an error
str(x) turn x into a string value str(432) == "432"
type(x) the type of x type(1) == int
type(1.2) == float
String Functions
Name Returns Example
.find(str) index of first occurrence s.find("o") == 1
s.find("e") == -1
.count(str) number of occurrences s.count("o") == 2
s.count("r") == 1
s.count("e") == 0
.strip() copy with leading/trailing whitespace removed "   big ".strip() == "big"
.split() list of "words" in s "big bad dog".split() == ["big","bad", "dog"]
.split(",") list of "items " in s that are separated by a comma
In general can split on any string, not just a comma, e.g., s.split(":") will split on a colon and s.split("gat") will split on the string "gat".
"this,old,man".split(",") == ["this", "old", "man"]
.startswith(str) boolean if starts with string s.startswith("color") == True
s.startswith("cool") == False
.upper() uppercase of s s.upper() == "COLORFUL"
.lower() lowercase of s "HELLO".lower() == "hello"
.capitalize() capitalized s s.capitalize() == "Colorful"
Miscellaneous Functions
help(x) documentation for module x  
len(x) length of sequence x, e.g., String/List len("duke") == 4
sorted(x) return list that is sorted version of sequence/iterable x, doesn't change x sorted("cat") == ['a','c','t']
range(x) a list of integers starting at 0 and going up to but not including x range(5) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
range(start, stop) a list of integers starting at start and going up to but not including stop range(3, 7) == [3, 4, 5, 6]
range(start, stop, inc) a list of integers starting at start and going up to but not including stop with increment inc range(3, 9, 2) == [3, 5, 7]
min(x, y, z) minimum value of all arguments min(3, 1, 2) == 1
min("z", "b", "a") == "a"
max(x, y, z) maximum value of all arguments max(3, 1, 2) == 3
max("z", "b", "a") == "z"
abs(x) absolute value of the int or float x abs(-33) == 33
abs(-33.5) == 33.5
List Functions
sum(lst) returns sum of elements in list lst sum([1,2,4]) == 7
max(lst) returns maximal element in lst max([5,3,1,7,2]) == 7
lst.append(...) append an element to lst, changing lst [1,2,3].append(8) == [1,2,3,8]
lst.sort() sorts the elements of lst
lst.index(elt) return index of elt in lst, error if elt not in lst [1,5,3,8].index(5) == 1
lst.count(elt) return number of occurrences of elt in lst [1,2,1,2,3].count(1) == 2
Math Functions (import math)
math.pi 3.1415926535897931
math.sqrt(num) returns square root of num as float math.sqrt(9) == 3.0
Random Functions (import random)
random.choice(list_of_choices) returns a random element from list_of_choices. Gives an error if list_of_choices has length 0.
random.randint(start, end) Returns a random integer between start and end. Unlike range() and list slicing, the largest value it can return is end, not end-1.
random.random() Returns a random float between 0 and 1.