Data Structures and Algorithms


Complete the Reflect Document/Form for each assignment.

Office hours for Prof. Astrachan, TAs, UTAs are accessible via this Google calendar

Install software including Eclipse and Plugins before Recitation on Sept 5. See the resources tab for information.

We will use Piazza For you to ask questions Sakai for hosting Duke-specific information about the course, e.g., grades.Email from TAs/Instructors will be sent from Sakai.

The schedule for the final is set by Duke Registrar. For exam details see the calendar page. Be aware of course policies related to missed exams.

quicksort hash table

This class is designed to build experience and expertise in using data structures and algorithms to solve problems that are computational and whose scale will leverage knowledge of computer science rather than simply programming. We use Java to build software solutions to these problems and analyze tradeoffs in different approaches, in architecting software, in using algorithms and data structures.

We meet in B101 LSRC on Wednesday and Friday with a Monday recitation/discussion section.

Above left is a diagram of quicksort. Above right is a diagram of a hashtable. You'll learn about these and other algorithms and data structures.

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