CPS 1: Computer Science Fundamentals
Spring 2001

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Section 01 Section 02

Help sessions

Name Time Place
Jay Stahl Sunday 6-8pm North Bldg.
Lauren Wolkstein Monday 8-9pm G-A cluster on East
Michael Nehme & Molly Crall Tuesday 6-8pm Teer cluster
Vipul Sharma Thursday 6-8pm 2nd floor of Soc. Sci
Josh Watkins Friday 12-2pm LSRC D240

You must sign up for one lecture section and one lab section.


Sign up for one lecture. Section 01 will be taught in the Bryan Center's Griffith Film Theater. Sections 02 will be taught in LSRC Auditorium. Click on the section number below for more information on that section.
Section Time Professor Location
Sec. 01 TueThu 10:45-12:10 Forbes Bryan G
Sec. 02 MWF 1:10-10:00 Ramm LSRC B101


Sign up for one lab section.
Section Time Location
Sec. 01L M 2:20-3:40 North 130
Sec. 02L Tue 2:15-3:35 North 130
Sec. 03L W 2:20-3:40 North 130
Sec. 04L Thu 2:15-3:35 North 130
Sec. 05L F 2:20-3:40 North 130
Sec. 06L M 3:55-5:15 North 130
Sec. 07L Tue 3:50-5:10 North 130
Sec. 08L W 3:55-5:15 North 130
Sec. 09L Thu 3:50-5:10 North 130

Bulletin Course Description:

An overview for students not intending to major in computer science. Computer programming, symbolic and numeric computation, electric circuits, architectures, translation, time complexity, noncomputability, and artificial intelligence.

Required Background/Prerequisites: none