CPS 100, Spring 2004, DNA Snarfing/Files

You are given the classes/files below, also accessible by snarfing with Eclipse or on the acpub system in /afs/acpub/project/cps/courses/cps100/dna from which you can copy them as follows.
  cd ~
  cd cps100
  mkdir dna
  cd dna
  cp /afs/acpub/project/cps/courses/cps100/dna/* .

(don't forget the trailing dot)

If you snarf the assignment you'll get all the data files, but on Unix you can link to them insrted of copying them.

You should link three data files to your directory, use links instead of copying because these files are large. When testing your code use a data file you create, not the data files here. When you're confident your code works, you can run on these files. Only the file ecoli.dat should take a really long time for StringStrand.

   ln -s /afs/acpub/project/cps/courses/cps100/data/ecoli.dat
   ln -s /afs/acpub/project/cps/courses/cps100/data/ecolimed.dat

Owen L. Astrachan
Last modified: Wed Jan 28 12:25:48 EST 2004