Introduction to Operating Systems
Spring 2007

Lecture Notes

I really want you to listen, think, and respond in class. So I'm supplying my slides so you won't have to be constantly taking notes.

The way these will work is that there will be one version before class and another version afterwards, reflecting anything that may come up during class discussion. The pre-class version might include questions we'll discuss in class with no answers. The post-class version will include my answers as well as contributions from the class discussion. I will try to upload the pre-class version the night before class.


  1. First lecture: January 10, Introduction to OS [ppt] after class version .
  2. Review of architecture: January 12, [ppt] .
  3. System calls: January 17, [ppt] .
  4. Concurrency: January 19, [ppt] .
  5. R/W and messages: January 29, [ppt] .
  6. Deadlock: January 31, [ppt] , after (thanks to Howard) .
  7. Scheduling, policies and mechanism: February 7, [ppt] and [ppt] .
  8. Scheduling continued: February 9, [ppt]
  9. Finish scheduling with dynamic voltage scaling and start memory management: February 14, [ppt]
  10. More on memory management: February 21, [ppt]
  11. More on memory management: February 23, [ppt]
  12. Power-Aware memory and virtual machine monitors: February 28, [ppt]
  13. I/O and file systems: March 7, [ppt]
  14. I/O and file systems: March 21, [ppt]
  15. Distributed and disconnected file systems: March 23, [ppt]
  16. Google FS: March 30, [ppt]
  17. P2P FS: April 2, [ppt]
  18. Access control: April 11 [ppt]
  19. Asbestos information flow: April 18 Author's SOSP talk, SOSP paper
  20. Performance: April 20 [ppt]


Last updated March 30, 2007