Assignment 7: Escape from the Spice Bazaar

This interactive game is set in the famous Misir Carsisi, or Spice Bazaar, of Istanbul, Turkey. This bazaar, which sells everything from cooking spices to clothing, is a hot spot for tourists to visit and in which they can practice their bargaining skills with sellers. This Alice world aims to give a representation of a typical Spice Bazaar shopping experience. Often, the shopper will have a list of items that she (it's more interesting as a woman) wishes to buy, but only with a limited amount of time. As she shops for her items, she is often greeted with rather interesting remarks from sellers.
The goal of this interactive game as a shopper is to buy three objects, a pashmina scarf, an evil eye charm, and Turkish Delights, at the Spice Bazaar . In order to win, the shopper must buy all three items within 50 seconds and under 20 Lira (the Turkish currency). At each store, the seller will give the shopper an initial random price , depending on how much he likes the shopper. The shopper can then choose to buy the item at that price, or bargain, by pressing the labelled buttons. If the player chooses to bargain, however, she risks the price either increasing or decreasing. She can also bargain as much as she wants, but then she risks running out of time. Once the player buys all three items under 20 Lira, she can press the "Done Shopping" button and she will be greeted with a wonderful surprise. If the time runs out or she does not spend the correct amount of money buying the correct amount of items, she will lose, painfully.