CompSci 89s: Teaching with Robots
(Spring 2010)

Course Information
Writeup Guidelines
Reflection Journal
Assign 1: Dead Reckoning
Assign 2: Line Following
Assign 3: Color Following
Assign 4: Avoider
Competition Report
Lesson Plan
Duke/DPS Robotics Program
Mentor Site
Discussion Forum
Assignment 3: Color Following

Assignment 3: Color Following - Rescue Phase 1

The goal of this project is to build a robot that can follow a dark line on a white mat with light sensors to successfully complete the first-room of RoboCupJunior Rescue.


  • After the starter's verbal command, your group should start their robot and the timer will start.
  • You should assume the line will curve gently. Specifically, the radius of curvature for all turns wil be at least 10cm.
  • Your group can give resets, but the first reset will give a 10 second penalty and future resets will double (i.e. reset #1 - 10 s. penalty, reset #2 - 20 s, reset #3 - 40 s, ...).
  • When your robot travels over green tape or alumnium foil, it should sing (i.e. beep or play some tones).

What to turn in

You will submit materials on Blackboard under the Assignments section. There should be one submission per team.
  1. Demonstrate at student workshop on 1/28
  2. Writeup: Due by 5pm on 2/1
    • Check the standard writeup guidelines
    • This writeup should also describe any hurdles you overcame in:
      • Programming your robot (e.g. handling both the line following and color detection)
      • Constructing your robot (e.g. how did you decide how many light sensors to use? how did you position them?)
  3. Your code.
Last updated Mon Mar 29 17:54:31 EDT 2010