CPS 210: Operating Systems
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Paper notes. Paper summaries are due for assigned papers before class on the day we plan to discuss the paper. These summaries will be too short to be proper "summaries" (a short paragraph) so I will call them "notes". A good paper note is short and insightful: what you liked about the idea, presentation, motivation, and/or results; what you did not like; most significant open questions; ideas for extensions; what factors made it easy to understand or hard to understand; specific strengths or limitations of the paper; adjectives to describe the paper or elements of its content. Paper notes are due in hardcopy at the start of class. To save paper, you may instead e-mail a paper note directly to me at least one hour before class: please put "[CPS210 note]" in the subject line.

Exercises. In addition to the readings, there will likely be some light exercises, including some multithreaded Java programming. The demands for the exercises will be unusually light for a course of this nature. Most of you time in this course will be spent on the readings and a substantial independent project.

Further details will be posted here as they become available.

Exams. There will also be a midterm exam, a final exam, and an exit interview. Exams will focus on core material and key principles and ideas of the research readings.