Windows Wireless Printing

These instructions should enable you to print from the Duke wireless network. For a list of printers see the CS printer list.

Before you start, you should visit the CS printer list and note the IP addresses of the printers you want to install and download the necessary drivers.


  1. Open Start → Control Panel → Devices and Printers → Add Printer
    This brings up the Add Printer Wizard
  2. Select Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer
  3. Windows will search the network for available printers and list them as they are discovered. If you have the IP address of the printer you want to install, simply double-click on the printer name. If Windows does not have a driver available for the printer, you will be prompted for a driver.

    If you just can't wait, or the printer you are interested in was not listed, you can select The printer that I want isn't listed. This will allow you to specify the IP address of the printer you are trying to install. You should be able to complete the install from this point.

  4. You will be prompted to rename the printer, enable sharing and set the printer as the default system printer. It is recommended that you do not share the printer.

Windows ships with many printer drivers. If you encounter problems printing, please download the latest drivers from the vendor and install them before reporting issues. Usually the PCL6 drivers work the best.

If you experience trouble with slow printing you may need to switch the drivers from PCL 6 to either PCL 5 or the PS driver. For some of the HP printers, installing the HP printing system for that printer usually works.

If you have any questions, please contact the Lab Staff.