CPS 212
Distributed Information Systems

Jeff Chase (chase@cs.duke.edu)
TTH 2:15-3:30 (D243 LSRC)
Teaching Assistant
Peng Yin (py@cs.duke.edu)
Office Hours
chase: Monday 2:00-3:00 (D306 LSRC)
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I apologize for not advertising exit interview slots for signup. The remaining exit interviews will be conducted in conjunction with project demos after I return from OSDI on Wednesday night. The deadline for project reports (paper or website at 4-page level) is extended to Wednesday, December 11, at the end of the day.

CPS 212 is a graduate-level course dealing with techniques for storing and sharing information in computer networks, large and small. We will cover a range of core distributed systems topics, with an emphasis on the issues faced by Internet-based information services.