CPS 114/214: Networks and Distributed Systems
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Class Meetings
TuTh 2:50 - 4:05 in D106 LSRC
Jeff Chase (chase@cs.duke.edu)

CPS 214 blackboard

The final exam is Friday May 4 in D106 LSRC at 7:00 PM.


CPS 114/214 is an advanced course in networking, focusing on the Internet and security and scaling issues for networked systems. This semester is a multi-tracked offering intended to serve graduate students and advanced undergraduates. We use the Kurose and Ross textbook, which takes a "top-down" approach focusing on how network software serves the needs of networked systems, rather than the classical "layer cake" approach that builds up successive layers of software function and abstraction on networking hardware. We combine the textbook material with a study of current research topics, current and future issues in Internet architecture, and advanced networked systems and testbeds.

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