\documentstyle[11pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} %%%*************************************************************** %%%******* %%%******* change these new commands/macros %%%******* %%%******* according to professor and class %%%******* %%%*************************************************************** \newcommand{\prof}{Prof.\ Sea P. Ehss} \newcommand{\class}{CPS 123 Questionnaire} \newcommand{\week}{Sept.\ 24, 1996} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% response generators %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% \amount ::= 1 = a little, 3 = medium, 5 = a lot %%%%% \pace ::= 1 = too slow, 3 = just right, 5 = too fast %%%%% \agree ::= 1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree %%%%% \generic[3] <-- note 3 args required %%%%% 1 = #1 3 = #2 5 = #3 %%%%% \essay ::= (leave about .6 inches space for an essay reply) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\generic}[1]{ \hfill \null\nobreak \hfill\begin{tabular}[t]{ccccc} #1\\ 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \end{tabular} \medskip } \newcommand{\amount}{\generic{\it a little& &\it medium& &\it a lot}} \newcommand{\pace}{\generic{\it too slow& &\it just right& &\it too fast}} \newcommand{\agree}{\generic{\it strongly& &\hspace*{.4in}& &\it strongly\\ \it disagree& & & &\it agree}} \newcommand{\essay}{ \bigskip\bigskip\bigskip\medskip } %%%%%%%%%%%%%% margin, spacing, etc. commands % make margins wider \sloppy \setlength{\textwidth}{440pt} \setlength{\textheight}{620pt} \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.5in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{10pt} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{10pt} % no indent, white space between paragraphs \setlength{\parindent}{0in} \setlength{\parskip}{0.05in} %%%*************************************************************** %%%*************************************************************** %%% start of questionnaire \begin{document} \begin{center} \large\bf \prof \hfill \class \hfill \week \end{center} % Last week we covered material both implementing and analyzing doubly linked circular list and the use of list heads in dealing with empty lists. We demonstrated some class implementations. The lab this week used linked lists and the Quick Sort in implementing a KWIC class. Please give us some feedback on this by responding to the following questions. (Omit or mark with an NA questions that you feel do not apply to you.) \hrulefill \ \hfill \ What is the pace of the coverage so far?\pace This week's assigned reading was helpful.\agree How much time did you spend outside of lecture on homework and reading?\amount Is there a topic you feel needs to be covered more thoroughly? Feel free to list more than one.\essay How do you think the presentation on circular lists might be improved?\essay The UTAs and TA were helpful.\agree If your previous response gave a fairly ``strong'' rating at either end of the scale, please give examples explaining your rating.\essay What were the strengths \& weaknesses of the ``KWIC'' lab? Please include suggestions on how this lab could be improved.\essay Please comment on the labs; were they useful, too long/short, understandable? \essay \end{document}