This is a reformatted, html-ized version of part of Test2, Fall 1995, CPS 100. The complete, unexpirgated version is available as a postscript file


For all problems on this test you can assume the following declarations have been made (sometimes a type other than int may be used for the info field).

struct Tree // "standard binary tree declaration" { int info; Tree * left; Tree * right; Tree (int val, Tree * lchild = 0, Tree * rchild = 0) { info = val; left = lchild; right = rchild; } };

Big-Oh Time (6 points)

Consider the following data structures:

and operations on the data structures:

Give the worst case running time (big-Oh) that best describes the running time of each operation.

            array - sorted order  minheap  binary search tree

Lovelier than What?

Part A

Draw the binary search tree that results from inserting the integers 23, 8, 40, 12, 32, 5, 15, 27 (in that order) into an initially empty tree.

(part B is currently missing)

Part C The function below returns a copy of its tree parameter (See the Tree struct definition on page 2).

Tree * Copy(Tree * t) // postcondition: returns copy of t { Tree * temp = 0; if (t != 0) { temp = new Tree(t->info, Copy(t->left), Copy(t->right)); } return temp; } What is the average case complexity of this function (using big-Oh notation)? Briefly justify your answer.

Part D

Indicate how to modify the function Copy to return a tree that is the mirror-image of the Tree parameter. The trees below are mirror images of each other (all left children in the mirror image are right children in the original tree and vice-versa).

(picture missing)

Part E Assume that a function NumNodes exists that returns the number of nodes in its Tree parameter.

int NumNodes(Tree * t) // postcondition: returns number of nodes in t The function Copy from Part C is modified so that the info field of each node in the copy returned is replaced by the count of the number of nodes in the tree rooted at t --- the function is renamed CopyCount. Tree * CopyCount(Tree * t) // postcondition: returns copy of t { if (t != 0) { return new Tree(NumNodes(t), Copy(t->left), Copy(t->right)); } return 0; }

(picture missing)

For example, if t is the tree in part B, the call CopyCount(t) returns the tree diagrammed above on the right.

The average case complexity of CopyCount is NOT O(n); what is the complexity and why (briefly justify).

Part F

Rewrite CopyCount so that it does have average case complexity O(n). You may find it useful to use an auxiliary function called by CopyCount. The header for such an auxiliary function is shown below, you do NOT need to use this header but may. You MUST indicate how your auxiliary function is called from CopyCount

void CCAux(Tree * t, Tree * & copy, int & count) // postcondition: copy is a "copy count" copy of the tree t // e.g., all info fields replaced by node count // count is the number of nodes in tree t (rooted at t)

Double Vision

Write the function DoubleUp whose header is given below. DoubleUp adds one new node to the tree t for every node except the root. For each non-root node, a new node is created with the same info field value and the same orientation (e.g., a left child or a right child). The newly created node will have only one child, that child will be the node that generates the newly created copy.

For example, if t is the tree on the left, DoubleUp(t) should modify t to look like the tree on the right.

                3                             3
              /   \                         /   \
            6       9                     6        9
              \                         /            \
               10                     6                9

Complete the function DoubleUp below. Use the Tree struct from page 2.

void DoubleUp(Tree * t) // postcondition: modifies t so that it is "doubled up"

Recurring Nightmares

Solve the following recurrence relation and give the {\bf O()} that best describes the running time. Justify your answer.

   T(1) = 1 
   T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n^2 

ginorst stuff

Part A

Suppose a struct Student for students in a class is (partially) declared as below. Each student has a name, a list of grades, the number of grades stored in the list, and a class identification number. In a class of N students, each student is given an ID number in the range 1 ... N, e.g., in a class of 20 students the numbers 1 ... 20 are assigned one per student.

struct Student { int classID; // ID number string name; // name of student "Jane Doe" Vector<int> grades; // list of grades int numGrades; // # of items stored in grades };

Write the function SortStudents whose header is given below. SortStudents sorts the information in list so that it is in order from smallest (1) to largest (N) student ID number.

Your solution MUST sort in O(N) time!!

(hint: in what slot does the student with ID number 16 belong?)

void SortStudents(Vector<Student> & list, int numElts) // precondition: numElts = # of students in list // ID numbers are unique and in range 1...numElts // postcondition: list is sorted into increasing order by // student ID number // performance: O(n)

Part B

You must solve the problem of determining if two numbers in an array of n numbers sum to a given number k. For example, if the array contains 8, 4, 1, 6, there are numbers that sum to 10 (4 and 6); to 9 (8 and 1); to 16 (use 8 twice); but NOT to 8 (exactly two numbers must be used). Trying all pairs of numbers yields an O(n^2) algorithm. Instead, you must describe how to:

In both cases, describe how your algorithm will work (briefly) and justify the running time.

Heapless (was Extra Credit)

Complete the function NumLessThan to determine the number of elements in a minheap that are less than a key. A minheap is a heap such that the value in each node is less than the value in the node's subtrees. A minheap is implemented via a vector with the root at index 1

In the example below, NumLessThan(heap,9,13) should return 3 (4, 10, and 6 are less than 13), and NumLessThan(heap,9,8) should return 1 (only 6 is less than 8).

               /    \
            14         8
          /    \     /   \
         22     36  10    63
       /   \
      38    24

The worst case running time of your function should be O(k) where k is the number of elements less than the key. (Note: If you want to use recursion, you might want to write an auxillary function.)

int NumLessThan(const Vector  & heap, int size, int key)
// precondition: size is the number of elements in the heap,
//               heap is a minheap
// postcondition: returns the number of elements in the heap
//                less than key