Recent paper on Programmed Molecular Patterning (DNA Barcodes):


Hao Yan, Thomas H. LaBean, Liping Feng, and John H. Reif, Directed Nucleation Assembly of Barcode Patterned DNA Lattices, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science(PNAS), Volume 100, No. 14, pp. 8103-8108, July 8, (2003). [PostScript] [PDF]


Recent Publicity on DNA Barcodes paper:


DNA Barcodes, Nature Materials Update, Philip Ball, July3, 2002.


DNA Makes Nano Barcode, Technology Research News, Kim Patch, June 27, 2003.


DNA Molecules Arranged to Act Like Infinitesimal Data Display, Duke News and Communications, Phil Lemmons, Monday, June 30, 2003.


DNA Nanostructures make up bar-code,, Liz Kalaugher, June 24, 2003.


DNA Barcodes, PNAS News, Christen Brownlee, June 23-27, 2003, pp. 6-7


DNA makes nano barcode, Technology Research News, Kimberly Patch, July 2-9, 2003.


DNA Makes Nano Barcode, MIT Technology Review, July 7, 2003.