1. A 2. B 3. D 4.


  • swan
  • 5. body { background-color: blue; } h1 { color: white; } 6.A. 341A0E hexadeximal = RGB: (52, 26, 14) Work: 3*16 + 4 = 48 + 4 = 52 1*16 + 10 = 16 + 10 = 26 0*16 + 14 = 14 6B. RGB(6, 43, 18) = 062B12 hexadeximal Work: 6 = 0*16 + 6 = 06 43 = 2*16 + 11 = 2B 18 = 1*16 + 2 = 12 7. C 8 A. The pig turns to face the jaguar and then moves 1 unit towards the jaguar. B. The pig's center moves to the center of the jaguar, and then the pig turns to face the same direction as the jaguar. 9. A. procedure B. decimal number C. crazy, returns an object type D. cat, pig E. item1, item2 F. The cat must be close to the jaguar, less than or equal to two units distance from the jaguar. G. decimal number 10. See picture 11. A) number is: 5 b) number is: 6 12. Code: bowlingPin turn to face eagle bowlingPin move forward (bowlingPin getDistanceInFrontOf eagle) bowlingPin move up (eagle getHeight) bowlingPin move forward 0.5 panda turn to face eagle panda move forward (panda getDistanceTo eagle - 1.0) bowlingPin setVehicle eagle eagle move up 10 13. Code - This is an Alice procedure (so "this" is Alice) procedure ComeToMe with parameters: SJointedModel Critter, TextString phrase this turn to face Critter this say phrase Critter turnToFace this Critter move forward (critter distanceInFrontOf this) Critter move up (this getHeight) do together Critter setOpacity 0.0 Critter move forward 2.0 14. A. Code - this is a panda function (so "this" is Panda) SJointedModel function creatureAbove with parameters: SjointedModel friend1, SjointedModel friend2 if both (this isAbove friend1) and (this isAbove friend2) is true then return this else if friend1 isAbove friend2 is true then return friend1 else return friend2 B. (this.panda creatureAbove friend1: this.bunny, friend2: this.tortoise) say "I am above"