CPS 701
Introduction to Graduate Study

Jeff Chase (chase@cs.duke.edu)
Typically meets only once per week: see the calendar
Fall 2019: Friday 1:25 - 2:40, D309 LSRC .
Office Hours
chase: TTh 10:00-2:00 (D306 LSRC)
  • November 22: Prof. Carlo Tomasi on creativity
  • See the useful checklist for publishing empirical evaluations (ACM SIGPLAN)
  • November 15: Prof. Brandon Fain on teaching as a skill one needs in unexpected places
  • November 8: Marilyn on milestones, and her secret abilities to read your future
  • November 1: Cartoon view of peer review
  • October 24: On Being a Scientist. Read: p 4-11 and 43-50. Discussion: Advisor and teams, data management, conflict of interest, social responsibility.
  • October 11: Prof. Alvin Lebeck:You and Your Advisor
  • October 4: Favorite advice notes from the lists
  • September 20: National Science Foundation and the Endless Frontier of science
  • September 13: Intellectual property and technology ethics

CPS 701 is an introduction for incoming graduate students in computer science. Topics for discussion include: computer science as a research discipline, views of what consitutes a research contribution, approaches to research in different subfields, tools and methodologies, publishing and presenting research results, the role of computer science as an "amplifier" in other sciences, ethical and policy issues, the information technology industry, grants and funding, and guidelines for success as a graduate student and as a scientist.
