The Morse Code Problem

You have intercepted a series of transmissions on an ancient and unused radio band. It has been determined that the messages are in some form of Morse code. Your job is to program your computer to interpret the header of these messages, and then code and transmit a message.


The input is a table consisting of two columns: A character in the first column followed by a space followed by its Morse code representation as a series of `-' and `.' in the second column. This table is terminated by a `@' in column 1. The code table is followed by an integer on a line by itself indicating the maximum transmition speed in words-per-minute (wpm). This is followed by the message to be transmitted on one line. For the purpose of transmission, end-of-line characters are not to be sent.


The output is a copy of the message to be sent, one character per line, where each character is followed by a listing of how the transmitter will send the character. The listing is a sequence of integers: the number of milliseconds the transmitter will be on and the number of milliseconds the transmitter will be off to result in the desired speed. Each number of milliseconds is preceeded by white space (space or tab) and followed by white space. Sound times will be followed by a single character `S' and no sound times will be followed by a single character `N'. The first number for each character is always a sound time (transmitter on.) The required inter-character spacing will be the last entry in a line. Each line will be terminated by a new-line character.

In determining the speed of transmission of messages in Morse code, the controlling element is the dot `.'. The dash, `-', is three dots in length. A word is an average five characters plus a trailing inter-word space. A character is an average tweleve dots (which includes pauses between sounds), plus a trailing inter-character space. Inter-character spaces are one dash long, and inter-word spaces are three dashes long.


Input:			Output:
A .-			A  142 S 142 N 426 S 426 N
B -...			   1278 N
...			b  426 S 142 N 142 S 142 N 142 S 142 N 142 S 426 N
D -..			a  142 S 142 N 426 S 426 N
...			d  426 S 142 N 142 S 142 N 142 S 426 N
O ---			   1278 N
...			b  426 S 142 N 142 S 142 N 142 S 142 N 142 S 426 N
Y -.--			o  426 S 142 N 426 S 142 N 426 S 426 N
...			y  426 S 142 N 142 S 142 N 426 S 142 N 426 S 426 N
A bad boy


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